A watt indicates the power of an electrical appliance. A kilowatt hour is the amount of energy that an appliance consumes when it operates for one hour.
To make sure that all consumers pay a fair price regardless of the caloric power of the gas received, gas consumption is calculated in kWh and not cubic metres.
Yes, if you own solar panels. The timer will allow you to heat your water using the electricity generated by your panels. Otherwise, installing a timer is of little or no benefit.
To bleed your radiators, just follow a few simple steps to remove air bubbles or sludge.
It is difficult to give a precise figure, as various parameters come into play. The figures published by the Brussels regulator make it possible to identify broad trends.
Discover 10 practical tips to cut down on your gas consumption, without giving up on your creature comforts.
The night-only rate is the rate applied for electricity used between 10.00 pm and 7.00 am, and is measured by a “night-only” meter.
Depending on the energy source you use to heat your water and on the appliance you are using, a litre of hot water may cost you anywhere between €0.0045 and €0.0165 in total.
The difference between rich and lean gas is their calorific value, i.e. a different quantity of energy. However, this difference does not affect your bill.
Since the liberalisation of the Brussels energy market, you have been able to choose your gas and electricity supplier. You can change supplier at any time but you have to take into account a period of notice to terminate your contract.
Your electricity consumption is determined every year on the basis of the difference between the reading displayed by the meter and that of the previous year. This counts the number of kilowatt hours delivered to you.
Induction hobs are more expensive to buy but they offer a whole range of advantages: high performance, precision, safety, easy maintenance... so they are worth looking into! Cooking with gas is still more economical though.
If you have a variable contract with your energy supplier, you are directly affected by the global rise in gas and electricity prices.
The dual hourly rate is based on the principle of two different prices for electricity: during the daytime it is slightly higher than the single rate, while at night as well as during the weekend and public holidays it is lower.
The advantage of this system is that the electricity used at night and during the weekend and legal holidays, is billed at a lower rate. The rate charged during the day is slightly higher than the ordinary rate and the installation costs are heavier.
The smart meter or intelligent meter is an electronic meter that is capable of recording and transmitting power consumption data. Smart meters will be rolled out in Brussels gradually.
Your annual gas and electricity statement consists of three main parts. Each one corresponds to the missions and costs incurred by a party in the energy supply chain.
Although many suppliers are authorised to sell energy in Brussels, we note that there are only seven energy suppliers who focus on household customers.
If you have a complaint, first of all contact your electricity or gas supplier. If you are dissatisfied with the response, you can contact a mediation body and as a last resort you can start legal proceedings.
There are more than 15 suppliers on the Brussels market for both gas and electricity. Your choice of supplier depends on a number of factors, such as the rates applied, the contractual conditions, the related services or the supplier’s sustainability policy.
In Brussels everyone with a connection to the electricity grid contributes towards the costs of the public lighting through their energy bill. The amount depends on the capacity of your connection and is part of Sibelga’s public service obligations.
Electricity is transmitted to your home via a network. Managing and maintaining this network costs money. This is why a distribution cost is charged.
Your distribution system operator replaces all gas and electricity meters systematically. This is done free of charge, as is the replacement of a faulty meter. In all other cases, you have to pay for the technician to come to you, or for the adjustment.
A dual hourly rate meter is used to distinguish between two rates for electricity: a slightly higher rate than the single rate during the daytime and a more advantageous rate than the single rate at night and during the weekend.
In Brussels the roll-out of the smart meter is being organised by Sibelga, the power and gas distribution network operator.
Are you using electricity or natural gas without paying? If so, something is wrong. What usually causes this and what risks do you run?
You have very extensive consumer rights. You can leave your energy supplier at any time for a more advantageous offer or cancel an energy contract signed with a direct seller.
Even if your meter has two counters, this does not necessarily mean that the dual hourly rate is automatically applied. To benefit from this, you have to conclude a specific contract with your supplier.
Brugel, the Brussels energy regulator, regulates and monitors the working of the market. Brugel is the contact point for the people of Brussels for everything relating to energy. The range of services it offers includes protection, mediation and information.
The rates you get through collective energy purchasing are not systematically financially more rewarding than those you could get yourself by contacting a supplier directly. However, they are still profitable in certain cases.
From early December until mid-January, the communes and traders’ associations put up cheerful Christmas lights in the city. And so countless lights twinkle for eight hours every night in the winter darkness.
Gas is transmitted to your home via a network. Managing and maintaining this network costs money. This is why a distribution cost is charged.
The rates charged for gas and electricity are made up of three elements; each of these is determined by a specific party.
This measure is not applied in Brussels. The smaller number of solar panels here means that the situation in the capital is quite different. Of course, this may change, and Brussels may yet follow in the footsteps of Flanders.
Since the Brussels energy market was liberalised, you are free to choose your gas and electricity supplier. You therefore have the right to terminate your supply contract at any time. You do, of course, have to give a period of notice.
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