Who can I submit a complaint to?
Do you have a complaint about electricity or natural gas? First contact the customer services of your energy supplier or of Sibelga. No satisfactory response? In that case, you can submit a written complaint.
You can submit a complaint to your supplier about:
You can contact Sibelga with complaints about:
Always submit your complaint in writing. At Sibelga you can do this using the online complaint form, by writing to Sibelga, Complaints department, Werkhuizenkaai/Quai des Usines 16, 1000 Brussels; by fax: 02 549 43 34 or by e-mail: complaints@sibelga.be.
Only if you do not obtain a satisfactory response to your complaint in step 1 can you submit your complaint to the following bodies.
You can submit complaints to the federal Ombudsman service for Energy. Fill in the online complaints form or send a letter by post to the Ombudsman service for Energy, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 boite 6, 1000 Bruxelles or by fax on 02 211 10 69.
Submit a complaint to the regulatory body, Brugel. Send your completed complaints form by post to Brugel, Avenue des Arts 46, 1000 Brussels or by e-mail to: info@brugel.be.
If both the previous steps fail to produce the required result, you can resort to legal proceedings.
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