All about energy in Brussels. A Sibelga initiative
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Whom to contact?

No idea who to turn to with a particular energy problem? Below you will find a useful overview of the different energy bodies in Brussels that can help you.



Distribution network operator for gas and electricity in Brussels

  • Open/close meter
  • Works on the meter or connection
  • Submit meter readings
  • Become a prosumer*
  • Defective street lights: 02 274 40 66
  • Gas smell: 0800 19 400

(*) Consumers who produce part of their electricity themselves.

Bruxelles Environnement

Bruxelles Environnement

Public service for the environment and energy of the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Energy grants for homes
  • Pollumeter and solar map of the region
  • Lists of recognised professionals
  • Energy training courses
  • The latest news on energy, the legislation in force and regional campaigns by theme: obligations in the field of heating, waste management, useful tips on building & renovation ...


Advice and guidance centre for private housing in the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Advice on your renovation projects
  • Free technical, administrative and financial support to improve the quality of life in your home and reduce your ecological impact


Non-profit organisation for the promotion of renewable energy

  • Assistance in the energy transition
  • Information to cooperatives (collective self-consumption), prosumers (solar card, financial incentives for solar projects), co-ownership (shared roofs) ...


Energy market regulator for the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Compare the offers of energy suppliers: BruSim
  • To obtain green certificates:
Energy Ombudsman

Energy Ombudsman

Advice and guidance centre for housing in the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Complaints concerning the functioning of the electricity and natural gas markets, or disputes with one of the energy market players
Infor Gaz Elec

Infor Gaz Elec

Advice on gas and electricity

  • Free information on the choice of supplier, social measures concerning access to energy, distribution of gas and electricity ...


A Sibelga initiative

  • Answers to your questions about energy in Brussels
  • Magazine
  • Newsletter
  • E-book: 5 handy infographics full of energy facts
The energy suppliers

The energy suppliers

  • Signing an energy contract
  • Works on the meter or connection
  • Change supplier
  • When moving (in)
Energy service of the municipalities

Energy service of the municipalities

  • Some of the Brussels municipalities assist their residents with energy matters: information on works, sensible use of energy ..


Professional installer

  • Works on your private electricity or gas installation (once the meter has been installed)
  • Installing solar panels


Public Centre for Social Welfare

  • In case of problems with the payment of energy bills