You will find your EAN code on your energy bill, or you can call Sibelga customer services.
To avoid a widespread power failure, there must be a balance between the electricity that 'enters' the grid (produced and imported) and the electricity that is consumed at all times.
The gas we use in Belgium is imported from abroad. The electricity is generated in Belgium and in the neighbouring countries in different types of power stations.
You can sell your green certificates at the market price to an energy supplier or an intermediary.
In the liberalised energy market, you are mainly in contact with two players: the supplier and the distribution system operator. However, alongside these two main parties, other companies or bodies also contribute towards supplying energy and ensuring that the market runs smoothly.
Cerga is a quality label for professional natural gas fitters, issued by the KVBG/ARGB – the Royal Association of Belgian Gas Professionals.
In exchange for financial compensation, major electricity consumers or owners of power generation units can adapt their use of the electricity grid to contribute to a better balance. In the future, flexibility markets may be opened up to private consumers too.
Although many suppliers are authorised to sell energy in Brussels, we note that there are only seven energy suppliers who focus on household customers.
If you have a complaint, first of all contact your electricity or gas supplier. If you are dissatisfied with the response, you can contact a mediation body and as a last resort you can start legal proceedings.
The energy transition is the evolution of our old energy production and consumption methods, based on fossil fuels, towards a new system that is more sustainable and better adapted to today's reality.
There are no legal provisions for the standard maintenance of an electrical installation. So everyone has to maintain their installation with due care and attention. In some case an installation does have to undergo a conformity inspection carried out by an approved body.
In the Brussels-Capital Region, Sibelga, your distribution system operator, is responsible for reading gas and electricity meters.
In Brussels everyone with a connection to the electricity grid contributes towards the costs of the public lighting through their energy bill. The amount depends on the capacity of your connection and is part of Sibelga’s public service obligations.
Homegrade is a non-profit association financed mainly by the Brussels-Capital Region. Its mission is to provide information free of charge for the people of the region on everything relating to their living environment, the central idea being sustainability.
An inspection body will check the conformity of your new installation if the work has not been done by a Cerga fitter. For check-ups in compliance with the EPB requirements, you should contact a specialist approved by Leefmilieu Brussel/Bruxelles Environnement.
If you move house, you should check what is most advantageous for you. You can transfer your current contract to your new address, renegotiate or change energy supplier.
It is obligatory to contact approved professionals to have your indoor electricity installations checked.
Your gas and electricity meters belong to your distribution system operator, Sibelga
No, if you move house you do not have to have the meter read officially by Sibelga.
Brugel, the Brussels energy regulator, regulates and monitors the working of the market. Brugel is the contact point for the people of Brussels for everything relating to energy. The range of services it offers includes protection, mediation and information.
If you are organising an event, then as soon as you have the permit from the competent authority, contact Sibelga to have a connection to the electricity grid.
The rates charged for gas and electricity are made up of three elements; each of these is determined by a specific party.
In a liberalised energy market, that is one open to competition, you are in contact with two players: your supplier and your distribution system operator.
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