All about energy in Brussels. A Sibelga initiative
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Who can I contact if I have questions about energy works in the street?

Work on the energy network (electricity, gas, public lighting) sometimes involves slight inconveniences. But this work, carried out by Sibelga, is necessary to ensure the quality of the energy supply.

  • Are works scheduled near where you live? If so, you will receive a message in your letter box from Sibelga before the work starts. This will give you all the practical details of the nature of the work, how long it will last and the various project phases. The message also gives the telephone number of the site supervisor, whom you can call at any time should problems arise.
  • If the work has to be carried out because of an unexpected, urgent situation (such as a gas leak or a power failure) Sibelga will not, of course, be able to warn you in advance. Do you want to know exactly what is happening? If so, ask the technicians who are there. Or you can call 0800 117 46.

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