All about energy in Brussels. A Sibelga initiative
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Can my meter be replaced without me being informed?

Yes. Sibelga systematically replaces all gas and electricity meters. This is usually done without prior notification.
What if no-one is at home? If the meter room is accessible, the technician can replace the meter.

Sibelga usually replaces old meters without prior notification.

Your gas and electricity meters belong to Sibelga. Your distribution system operator is obliged by law to replace old meters. In principle, you are not notified.

  • If you are at home when the Sibelga technician comes, he replaces the meter straight away in your presence.
  • If you are not at home and the meter in question is not accessible, then you will find a card from Sibelga in your letter box, asking you to make an appointment.
  • If you are not at home and the meter is accessible, for instance in the meter room of an apartment building, then Sibelga can replace the meter without your consent. The technician leaves a card informing you that the gas or electricity supply was interrupted.

Sometimes Sibelga replaces a large number of meters at the same time (for example in an apartment building), which means that they have to make substantial adjustments to their own installations. In this case Sibelga does contact you beforehand to make an appointment.

Replacing a meter does not take long. The technician first notes down the meter reading from the old meter. He switches off the gas or electricity supply and replaces the meter. He notes down the meter reading of the new meter and switches the supply back on. He affixes a label to the new meter bearing full details (number of the old meter, meter reading, replacement date, etc.). He takes the old meter with him, so that Sibelga can dispose of it.

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