Just take a look at the dial or the indicator lights that show your boiler pressure. If it is too low, you can easily adjust it yourself.
Discover 10 practical tips to cut down on your gas consumption, without giving up on your creature comforts.
An automatic circuit breaker is increasingly being used as an alternative to the earlier fuse. Both protect against short circuits and overloads, but whereas a circuit breaker can simply be reset, a fuse always needs to be replaced.
Two types of inspection are compulsory in Brussels: an inspection for compliance before connection to the gas network, and an inspection for compliance with the BEP requirements.
In order to make sense of the single-line diagram and the position diagram, you first need to understand the symbols used and what these plans represent. Follow our guide!
When moving in, take out a plan with the energy supplier of your choice. During the tenancy, take care of the gas and electricity installations. When moving out, close the account if the new occupant refuses the transfer procedure.
The EPB certificate (energy performance of buildings) is the energy ID card of a building. It is compulsory for all buildings that are to be sold or rented.
If you have a power cut, you should first check whether the problem is general or individual. Depending on the situation, you may be able to resolve the problem yourself. Otherwise, you have to contact Sibelga or an electrician.
Yes, provided you follow a few precautions and coordinate with other occupants of the building to avoid any danger and comply with the regulations.
Electric and gas installations have to be certified when work or renovations have been carried out and when property is sold. In most cases, it is up to you to make the arrangements.
Your electrical installation will be declared non-compliant if it poses a risk to people's safety: the most common causes include no electrical diagram, no differential switch and cable insulation faults.
For years Belgium was known at the country where all the motorways were bathed in light at night. To cut costs, save energy and limit light pollution, some motorways are no longer lit all night in some places.
The answer is easy: the regulations require you to, i.e. during periodic inspection of your heating installation.This is a good idea anyway, for your own safety, as a third of house fires start in chimneys!
Do you think there is an incorrect meter reading in your annual statement? If so, contact your energy supplier. They will check and make any necessary corrections.
You will make huge savings by replacing your boiler if it is more than fifteen to twenty years old. Was it installed before 1978? It will soon no longer be compatible with the gas in Brussels. Another reason for getting ahead!
Cerga is a quality label for professional natural gas fitters, issued by the KVBG/ARGB – the Royal Association of Belgian Gas Professionals.
Collect evidence to show that the problem exists. If your owner still refuses to replace or repair the boiler, you should call on the justice of the peace.
Our Dutch neighbours have decided to halt the extraction of lean gas. The entire Brussels region therefore switched to rich gas at the end of 2022.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a hazardous odour- and colourless gas. Nevertheless, CO poisoning can be easily avoided by taking four precautions.
If you want to have your old heating oil tank removed, there are some legal obligations to take into account. For safety reasons and to avoid soil pollution, it must indeed be emptied and cleaned.
If your electricity installation does not function properly, you run the risk of power cuts, short circuits and fire. You can take a number of precautions to guarantee your safety.
Check the state and cleanliness of your photovoltaic panels regularly. Make sure that the installation’s cables are in good condition and that your inverter and green meter are working properly.
There are no legal provisions for the standard maintenance of an electrical installation. So everyone has to maintain their installation with due care and attention. In some case an installation does have to undergo a conformity inspection carried out by an approved body.
An inspection body will check the conformity of your new installation if the work has not been done by a Cerga fitter. For check-ups in compliance with the EPB requirements, you should contact a specialist approved by Leefmilieu Brussel/Bruxelles Environnement.
New appliances can save you up to 30% on your bill. In addition, many old appliances are incompatible with the new rich gas being deployed in Brussels.
It is obligatory to contact approved professionals to have your indoor electricity installations checked.
Your meters register your gas and electricity consumption. It is important that this is done correctly. This is why Sibelga systematically replaces all old meters.
As from the first days of spring, there are a whole range of simple and easy things you can do that will enable you to save energy and make sure that your heating installation is fully up and running for next winter. Before leaving on your holidays, a quick inspection of your electrical or gas-powered appliances is another must.
Regular visual inspection and servicing, every three years, by a qualified technician are sufficient for the efficient maintenance of your solar water heater and for your system to work properly.
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