Goodbye Energy grants! Hello Renolution grants! In addition to the new name, the energy grant system in Brussels will undergo several changes in 2022.
The Renolution grants include energy grants, home renovation grants and the façade improvement grant.
Good news for the people of Brussels: Rénolution is accompanied by:
Other key changes:
The list of available Rénolution grants is long: no fewer than 45! Below you will find a list of the grants, their description and the amounts you will receive, depending on your income.
As was already the case with the Energy grants, the lower your income, the higher the amount for which you are eligible. For the financially worse off, the grants should cover at least half of the cost of the work.
From now on, everything happens 'after': you send in your application for grants after you have carried out the work and paid the balance invoice.
You have plenty of time to send your application: 12 months after the date of the last balance invoice sent by the contractor.
Please note that the first applications for a Rénolution grant can only be submitted from 1 March 2022.
Great! You can apply for the Rénolution grant for these 2021 works from 1 March 2022. The grant amounts have not changed.
You can submit an application. It will be processed according to the old 2021 system (renovation grant on the one hand, energy grant on the other). All the information you need is available on the Brussels Environment website.
All information is centralised on the new website
To apply for the Rénolution grant:
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