All about energy in Brussels. A Sibelga initiative
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Energy efficient housing
Energy efficient housing

Related questions

How to detect and eliminate standby consumption?
How to detect and eliminate standby consumption?

Nearly 10% of your electricity bill is due to the standby consumption of your devices. Read our tips for detecting and neutralising this phantom energy use.

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How can I save energy with my current lighting installation?
How can I save energy with my current lighting installation?

Are you still using bulbs for your lighting? And do you forget to turn off the lighting when you leave a room? Then there is a potential 50% saving in the energy cost for the lighting.

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How do I choose my boiler ?
How do I choose my boiler ?

To choose a new boiler, you must consider the price but also the type of fuel, the efficiency, the combustion system, the space available and the hot water requirements.

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What do I need to know about insulation?
What do I need to know about insulation?

A well-insulated building is more comfortable all year round because it stays warmer in winter and cooler in summer. So a building like this is more economical when it comes to heating and air conditioning.

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Did you know that…?

Insulate cavity walls

Insulating a house after it has been built isn’t always easy. But if you have cavity walls, you can inject an insulating substance.