Are you wondering how much your old fridge consumes, or how much an electric charge actually costs? Whether you have a smart meter or an analogue meter, there are now solutions available for precisely monitoring and managing the energy consumption of each device.
If you have a smart meter, you can connect a Customer Energy Management System (CEMS) to it. These systems generally consist of one or more peripherals, coupled with consumption analysis and management software.
In addition to tracking your overall consumption, some suppliers allow you to track your injection or your electricity consumption by device. However, this requires investment in additional individual peripherals. Indeed, it is not possible to track individual consumption by device using only the P1 port on the meter.
There are also systems that enable you to monitor all your consumption on a single platform, whether it be electricity, gas, water or fuel.
Smart Plug plugged into a household socket.
Energy management systems also open the door to active management of your electricity consumption. Here are a few possibilities.
To choose the right energy management system, it is important to take certain factors into account. Here is some advice to help you make your choice.
Some manufacturers offer specific features that may be interesting for your situation. For the sake of neutrality, however, we have decided not to mention specific brands.
Do you simply want to occasionally know the power consumption of a few specific devices? The power meter or energy meter is a simple and practical solution for tracking the individual consumption of a device.
The power meter is plugged in between the socket and the electrical device. You can view the device's consumption directly on the power meter's display.
Smart power meters, which are more sophisticated, also enable the use of an application to view data or automation functions.
You can opt for a smart electrical panel to measure the energy consumed by different circuits in the home (electric heating, air conditioning, domestic hot water, power sockets, lighting, other consumption).
A module needs to be installed on your electrical panel and connected to your Internet box. You can then place contactors on the terminals you want to monitor. The data can then be accessed from your smartphone or computer.
Consumption tracking module placed on the electrical panel.
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